A mini adventure to choose which blog post to read to learn more about interactive fiction.

  1. You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully. There is a small mailbox here. What do you want to do?
    • Open the mailbox. Go to 2.
    • Explore the forest. Go to 3.
    • Enter the building. Go to 4.
    • Explore the gully. Go to 5.
  2. You open the mailbox and find newsletters from Infocom! Also some junk mail about surveys. What do you want to do?
  3. This is a dimly lit forest, with large trees all around. What do you want to do?
  4. You are inside a building, a well house for a large spring. A passage leads to the east and a dark staircase can be seen leading upward.
    • Fetch a pail of water from the well for your master’s bath.
    • Go east. Go to 6.
    • Go up the staircase. Go to 7.
  5. You are in a 20-foot depression floored with bare dirt. Set into the dirt is a strong steel grate mounted in concrete. A dry streambed leads into the depression. The grate is open. What do you want to do?
  6. You are in the kitchen of the brick building. A passage leads to the west. There is a little axe here. There is a notebook here. What do you want to do?
  7. This is the attic. The only exit is a stairway leading down. You see assorted toys, games and books. What do you want to pick up?
  8. The notebook has notes about creating your own gamebook. There’s a pencil so you can write in the notebook. What do you want to do?

Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash.