“I played it two times, once I died and once I ended the game in Blackhill, living happily ever after. I had great fun both times. I really liked the adventures you told.” – Aleksandar Saranac

Winner of Best Dungeon Crawl in the 2018 Solitaire Print-and-Play Contest.

A modern alternative to the great gamebooks of the 1980s, Hero’s Arc: Under the Blood-Red Mountain is a 99-section, 16,000-word gamebook. You pick the path, and your decisions shape the story. Unlike many classic gamebooks, Hero’s Arc has story arcs, so losing a battle won’t always result in death, but may result in a setback of a different kind.

Choose your key stats for your character (strength, dexterity, wisdom, and hit points) and track your inventory, recording the FVTALK runes on items.

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