So one of the joys of releasing texts into the Creative Commons is seeing how other people adapt them.

When I wrote Suddenly an Ogre, I wrote it as a gamebook teaching the basic moves of Dungeon World. I thought others might like to adapt it to different game systems.

I was shocked and pleased when Infinite Zone ported it to the Nintendo Switch instead. They’ve removed the mechanics elements to focus on the story; e.g., removing text like “You roll ⚃ ⚁ +1=7. Defy Danger—You stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.”

They’ve added illustrations, a voiceover, and 3D animations. They’ve also added Story Moments, seven achievements to unlock by taking different paths through the story.

The first time I played it I died – very old school! It had been so long since I’d written it that I didn’t recall what worked (partly because the dice mediated what worked, as I rolled the dice and documented the roll before writing each page).

If you have a Switch, check it out!